Exercise and Your Cat
How can I help my cat lose weight besides feeding them a special diet?
Losing weight can be difficult, and animals, like people, often take weeks or months to shed unwanted pounds. Feeding a veterinary prescription weight-loss food is an essential step in a weight-loss program for your cat, but food intake is only one factor that can contribute to excess weight.
Excess weight occurs when calories taken in exceed calories expended, so energy expenditure is also important to consider. Modifying your cat’s exercise and activity level can complement the overall weight-loss plan by increasing the calories expended. This extra expenditure may then lead to a steadier rate of weight loss, and might allow for a less restrictive calorie intake to achieve the ideal weekly weight loss rate.
How can I encourage my cat to be more active?
Cats naturally engage in short bursts of activity rather than in long sessions, so it is recommended to provide toys and games that encourage this sort of action. While it may seem daunting to encourage activity in cats, there are several strategies to try, and you may find that some work better for you than others. Some suggestions include:
- Play games that stimulate predatory instincts are usually attractive to cats. For example, wand toys that encourage aerobic activity can be fun for both you and your cat. If you provide tiny food morsels at the end of each chase, it can help to reward and encourage further aerobic play.
- Feed your cat from a food puzzle or other food-dispensing toy can encourage cats to work for their food. You can purchase various types of these toys online or from pet stores, or you can try creating a puzzle feeder yourself.
- Feed your cat from other areas in the house, so your cat must spend time looking for the food.
- If you feed your cat dry food, consider tossing each kibble down a hallway or across a room to encourage your cat to move for each piece.
- Try exercise wheels for cats – they can be a fun addition to your cat’s exercise plan.
- Some cats will walk on a harness and enjoy leashed walks around the yard or neighborhood. Make sure your cat is up-to-date on vaccines and parasite prevention if you are going to take them outside.
How can I encourage my cat to be more active when I am at work all day?
It is challenging to encourage activity in a cat who is alone for extended periods, but it is possible.
- A wide range of toys and feeding equipment is available to stimulate feline activity (see the handout “Behavior Management Products for Cats” for more information). Some timed cat feeders can be set at pre-determined times to allow access to food, which can be useful when you’re not at home.
- A puzzle feeder can lead to increased activity in your cat.
- Cat aerobic centers can be helpful, especially when they incorporate hiding places where you can put part of the cat’s daily food ration (see the handout “Cat Behavior and Training – Enrichment for Indoor Cats” for more information).
- Play toys will encourage activity that is not food-related. It is best to use items that have intrinsic movement, as these will stimulate your cat to play even without a human operator. If manipulating and chasing a toy leads to delivering small treats, your cat will be encouraged to play.
- Consider hiring a pet sitter to visit your cat during the day, for a play session.
If my cat doesn't play, are there other wayd to increase their energy expenditure?
When cats are obese, play can be challenging, and they tend to spend most of their time eating and sleeping. In these cases, it can be helpful to increase the level of activity associated with feeding. Simple changes may be beneficial, such as placing the food bowl in a slightly less accessible location. You can try putting the food bowl on top of a small platform, so your cat must climb to gain access to it, or you can place multiple bowls around the house so the cat must walk from one bowl to the other to complete their meal.
Some commercial toys, like the KONG® Wobbler™ and PetSafe® SlimCat™, are designed to deliver food as they are batted, rolled, or chased. You may also consider making homemade puzzle feeders out of plastic bottles so your cat has to roll the bottle across the floor to access the food inside.
As weight loss begins, you will find that your cat has more energy to engage in play and other activities, but in the early stages, feeding time may be your only opportunity to help your cat burn off some of those calories.
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